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Thread: The Obvious Way

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default The Obvious Way

    Well, I felt I should post this before I maybe get a third infraction for complaining about a misunderstanding earlier over at the OOtS forum.
    Anywayz... this might have been pointed out before but the obvious non-gamey way of winning is to

    ignore the rules (there's an excellent history in warfare of ignoring consensus of doctrine, however this might work differently in such a gamey world) and rush the enemy on their turn.

    It'd completely flabbergast them I think, like when that soccer team in England started passing the ball instead of going solo all the way to goal or until someone got tackled or 'dribbled'.

    Forcemarch a double-move hit squad of dragons into enemy HQ. This could be done better but it's just an example.
    Last edited by Moechi_Vill; 2007-04-07 at 11:35 AM.