Hit Dice: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8+Con mod
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (5)+Con mod

Armor: None
Weapons: All simple and all martial
Tools: Any two artisan tools

Saving Throws: Dexterity and Charisma
Skills: Pick two from Athletics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, Insight, Medicine, Deception, Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
-Any one weapon, with 20 pieces of ammo if needed
-Any one melee weapon
-Any one pack

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Movement Increase
1st +2 Acrobatic Defense, Fighting Style -
2nd +2 Cunning Action, Unarmored Movement +10'
3rd +2 Path, Slow Fall +10'
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement +10'
5th +3 Extra Attack +15'
6th +3 Laughing God's Jest +15'
7th +3 Path Feature +15'
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement +15'
9th +4 Tumbler +20'
10th +4 Improved Slow Fall +20'
11th +4 Path Feature +20'
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement +20'
13th +5 Blur Of Color +25'
14th +5 Freedom Of Movement +25'
15th +5 Path Feature +25'
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement +25'
17th +6 Last Laugh, Perfected Slow Fall +30'
18th +6 Lightning Fast Reflexes +30'
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement +30'
20th +6 Path Feature +30'

Acrobatic Defense-At level one, you may use 10+Dexterity modifier+Charisma modifier as your AC when wearing no armor and not using a shield. In addition, you gain Expertise in Acrobatics.

Fighting Style-At level one, you may also choose to gain the Dueling, Great Weapon Fighting, or Two Weapon Fighting style.

Cunning Action-At level two, you may use your bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide.

Unarmored Movement-At level two, your movement speed increases by the amount shown on the table. This only applies when not wearing armor or using a shield.

Path-At level three, choose to be a Troupe Master, a Death Jester, or a Solitaire. This grants you features at levels three, seven, eleven, fifteen, and twenty.

Slow Fall-At level three, you gain resistance to falling damage.

Ability Score Improvements-Usual levels, usual deal.

Extra Attack-Level five, usual deal.

Laughing God's Jest-At level six, you have perfected the art of comedic mockery. You gain the Vicious Mockery cantrip, using Charisma as your casting stat, and may use it as a bonus action on any turn when you take the attack action.

Tumbler-At level nine, you may move through other creatures' spaces without impediment. If you could not normally move through, they may attempt to grapple you as a reaction when you move through their space.

Improved Slow Fall-At level ten, you may reduce the effective distance you fall by 10' times your proficiency modifier. (So, if you fall 60' at the level you get this, it would be treated as a 20' fall.)

Blur Of Color-At level thirteen, when you Dash, you increase your move speed by twice your base, rather than only one times it.

Freedom Of Movement-At level fourteen, you are under a permanent Freedom Of Movement effect.

Last Laugh-At level seventeen, you may make an additional attack without using an action when you drop a target to 0 HP with a weapon attack. In addition, when you are dropped to 0 HP yourself or killed outright, you may immediately take a turn before beginning to die.

Lightning Fast Reflexes-At level eighteen, ranged attacks made from further than 30' away have disadvantage against you.

Troupe Master

Laugh Together-At level three, you are able to encourage others with your humour and wit. As a bonus action, you can let any one ally move up to their speed without using an action, or make a single attack as a reaction. You may use this a number of times per long rest equal to your Charisma modifier.

With Style And Grace-At level seven, you are unmatched in form. Whenever you score a critical hit in combat, all allies within 60' that can see you gain advantage on their next d20 roll, if made within the next minute.

Combined Strike-At level eleven, you may, as a bonus action, mark a target within 30' for death. Make a single attack roll against them, using your proficiency modifier and Charisma modifier. If you successfully hit, you deal no damage, but you can either force them to have disadvantage on the next save they make, grant the next attack made against them advantage, or give them vulnerability to the next instance of damage they take. Regardless of what you choose, this effect does not stack with itself and disappears after a minute passes.

Master Of The Show-At level fifteen, your Laugh Together feature now recharges on a short rest.

Speed Of The Party-At level twenty, you may grant your Unarmored Movement bonus to all allies within 60'. This applies only as long as you gain the bonus, but your friends can wear armor and still benefit.

Death Jester

Deadly Aim-At level three, you may choose to take a penalty to AC equal to your proficiency bonus until the start of your next turn to gain twice your proficiency bonus to hit with ranged weapons, instead of just one times it, until the start of your next turn.

A Terrifying Kill-At level seven, whenever you drop a target to 0 HP, all creatures of your choice adjacent to the target must make a Wisdom save, against a DC of 8+your proficiency modifier+your Charisma modifier. On a failure, they are Frightened until the end of your next turn.

Point Blank-At level eleven, you no longer have disadvantage on attack rolls with ranged weapons when an enemy is adjacent to you.

Precise Shots-At level eleven, you score a critical hit with ranged attacks any time your hit roll exceeds the targets AC by at least 6 points.

Shoot And Skulk-At level fifteen, you may Hide without using an action after making a ranged attack, so long as you were hidden while making it.

Truly Horrifying-At level twenty, your Terrifying Kill feature now applies to all creatures of your choice within 30' of the slain target.


Reckless Attack-At level three, you may choose to grant advantage on all attacks made against you, but gain advantage on all attacks you make with melee weapons, both lasting until the start of your next turn.

Form Of Fury-At level seven, you gain +1 to your AC when using your Unarmored Defense feature.

Blitz-At level eleven, you may Blitz as an action. You immediately move three times your normal movement speed, provoking attacks of opportunity as normal-however, if any of these attacks drop you to 0 HP or kill you, you remain at 1 HP until you finish your Blitz, after which you drop to 0 HP or die, as appropriate. Then, you may make a number of attacks against any of the targets you passed equal to the amount of opportunity attacks made against you. (For example-you run past a line of 15 Hobgoblins, all of whom make an attack of opportunity. You can then divvy up 15 attacks between the hobgoblins you passed-15 on one, one on all 15, seven on one and eight on another, etc.)

Fury In Form-At level fifteen, you gain +2 to your AC when using your Unarmored Defense, instead of just +1.

Berserk Attack-At level twenty, you may make a single attack with a melee weapon as a bonus action.