The "reaction grapple" is basically an AoO, but limited to grapples. It offers at least a chance to stop them.

275' is fast. Really fast. But... Unless your whole party can move that fast, why does it really matter? You can scout well, deliver messages fast, etc., but I don't see it breaking anything.

Freedom Of Movement is definitely stronger than that, but considering it's been available since 7th level for actual casters... It's a good feature, and will definitely be AWESOME to have when it's needed. But when it's not needed, it does nothing.

For Last Laugh, which would you recommend keeping?

Impossible to hit... With AC 20? Against another PC, you'd typically be rocking +13 to-hit (+6 Prof, +5 Dex, +2 Archery) so you hit 70% of the time normally. That drops to 48% with disadvantage. Hardly unhittable.
You ARE highly resilient, via being hard to hit, against mooks with ranged attacks. But at that level, mooks shouldn't be a threat in anything less than overwhelming numbers.

You can't depend on a crit. I'd honestly rather it be something else, I just couldn't think of anything.

Blitz-they don't HAVE to take an AoO. Against a decently informed BBEG, it's simple-tell the minions "When you see the crazy murder clown run past you, DON'T ATTACK."