Quote Originally Posted by mephnick View Post
Probably what I expect most people to do: Realize attacking right now might be suicide and plot their revenge for later when the situation is more favourable/profitable.
This remark doesn't resemble most D&D players. Committing suicide-by-axe-attack the moment a more powerful enemy taunts them is definitely more their métier.

Although to be fair, sometimes that's the DMs fault for not telegraphing. And sometimes it's other DMs fault for training them to think no matter what, every encounter will be level appropriate and winnable.

Be ok that your character's story ends with them dying fighting for their cause...which is better than the "eaten by wolves" epitaph on most D&D character's gravestones.
Seriously. I've gleefully sent characters into certain death to die heroically (or villainously as the case may be) many times. Just so long as it didn't happen in a way that made me feel stupid.

Otoh Death By (not giant) Ferret Bite would certainly make me feel like my heroic attempt to die fighting slavers was stupid.