Quote Originally Posted by EldritchWeaver View Post
I happened to talk with a Paizo guy at the Spiel for some time, which included also my concerns about the playtest state. In regards to the PT not resembling the supposed end product, which has been mentioned in this thread, Paizo intended to push the envelope of the design and to see what is possible in regards to evolving the game vs. doing a revolution of the rules (and considering the core of PF is 20 years old, Paizo can't continue with PF1 without going bankrupt). They only published stuff they believed to work at that time, though they did notice partially in internal playtests that some stuff isn't great afterwards (like the Death rules).

The plan is to only fix the stuff during the playtest using DD, which doesn't taint the data too much. Afterwards the bigger changes will be revealed (though I'm not sure in what form or if you can use them in your game). In regards to people leaving the playtest and thus skewing the results, he wasn't overly concerned about that being a big influence (I can't tell if that is correct or not). In any case, my feedback was that PF2e isn't a game I like at this point and he stated that they would keep on improving the game. If they manage to convince me in the end, I don't know. But I'll continue watching the playtest until I do.
When it comes to "pushing the envelope", it feels like they're straddling the fence. Changing enough to annoy the famously change-averse fanbase, but not enough to actually fix things. So we've got new rules with artifacts to make sure they don't stray too far.