Tempest Row- Stalking Shunt

Shunt's going to leave the scrapper to it, because if he were to climb in and just push out he'd probably destroy the most valuable bits as well as recover the cheaper plating intact.

The fact that this thing, whatever it is, is just going to attract more trouble is not welcome news. Shunt could destroy it, deny it to everyone, but that's not helpful. And for all he knows, Doctor Diabolical only wants part of it, not the whole thing, and he's just saving the bad guy some time and trouble. He's new, he doesn't have the contacts with anyone who might be able to figure it out and put it back, or use it for good. He doesn't even have the contacts to get other heroes on board to keep it safe... Unless.

Shunt goes to where he left his bag, and fishes out an old, battered mobile phone with a cracked screen and faded number pad. He dials a number, and rings somebody. "Hey, Professor? I've... Got a thing here. You might be interested. Something Doctor Diabolical wants. What? How am I supposed to send you a picture? You gave me this phone, you know full well it doesn't have a camera. Some big robots ripped it from the road. Three of them. Yes, they're dead, yes, I killed them. ...What do you mean, how? I shoved them around and pushed stuff through their armour. I think you'd be interested because it's dripping green goo, and... And what? No, I don't know what the goo tastes like. Are you insa- actually, don't answer that. I'm not eating the stuff. If you want to know, come here and do it yourself. Sure. Fine. I'll see you soon, then. I'll destroy this piece of junk if you bring a replacement, not before." The other end of the call, if Doctor Diabolical traces it, is Warehouse 89 in a different part of Skyside.