Hannabel stares open-mouthed at Felidae for a second as she speaks. She thinks! The walking gun can think!

"With all due respect, Lord Commander, I agree with Felidae. There is much we don't know about this place yet, and the resources of House Absalom are not unlimited. It would certainly be easier to learn about the dangers and riches of this planet if we manage to get on speaking terms with these xenos. We could kill them all and loot what's left of their cities and warrens, but if our initial surveys are correct, there may be many, many more of them. Wiping them could require a major campaign, with all the risks that entails. A temporary truce or alliance of convenience might give us access to the most profitable resources and trade goods this planet has to offer without wasting a single charge pack. And if there is some Yu'Vath devilry hidden beneath the ice, then these xenos may be our best chance of identifying and destroying it."