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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Default Re: afroakuma's Planar And Other Oddities Questions Thread VII

    Congrats for the amazing thread mr. Afroakuma. I hope you're still around because I have some questions:

    1) How does Shamanism/Animism translate to the Great Wheel cosmology? Say, when a shaman is doing a spiritual/vision quest to commune and get counsel from his Totem spirit, where he goes to? (some Dream Plane? some Outer Plane where his sacred spirit lives as a deity?)

    2) when the Shaman appeases or convince a Nature Spirit in the material plane to help him, how does this work? Is the Shaman accessing some "plane of Nature Spirits" on the spot? Or Nature Spirits reside directly in the Material in some occult form (maybe in the Ethereal)?

    3) It seems, per the Astral Projection spell description, that a Shaman could project itself through the Astral, and then through a color pool to some Outer Plane, where his astral form then solidifies according to that plane's nature and available matter. Does this means the Shaman could transform into, say, an Eagle in Ysgard and help the PC party remotely this way (as long his silver cord isn't severed and this form HP doesn't reach zero)? Is my reading correct? This would be really cool and coherent for the Shaman concept.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Silva; 2018-11-17 at 10:56 AM.