Dray's eyes go out of focus as he thinks, dredging back through ancient memories. At last he shakes his head.

"I'm afraid I don't know, I wasn't part of the boarding teams. But the men who came back with the map looked haunted, I'll never forget the look on their faces. Whatever had been on that ship, they hadn't liked seeing it. Afterward, the captain had us stand off and our gunners blew the wreck into plasma clouds, so he must not have liked hearing about it either. But word spread of what we'd discovered. Captain Karlorn knew the Lord Rogue Trader had to know about it, so he detoured just far enough to reach the port here, and dropped me and a few older crew members off to wait while he caught up to the fleet. Something bad must have happened to him, because he never came back. No one else from the dynasty ever came to look for us either. When the old factotum died, Strelzi took over his job, and when he finally passed on I starting doing the work in turn. We knew a dynasty ship would visit eventually."

"Just think...the Righteous Path. House Ryn's flagship. Loaded to the deckplates with the loot of entire worlds, decades worth of plunder from one of the Angevin Crusade's greatest captains. If anyone else had found it, word would have spread...it's still out there somewhere, I'm sure. And you've got the only other copy of the map right here."

He pulls a small stasis-casket from under his robes. "It'll only open for the Lord Rogue Trader, or anyone carrying his signet ring. He must have given that to you for signing paperwork and such things."