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    Ogre in the Playground
    Celestia's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Canterlot, Equestria

    Default Hero of Legend

    The Hero of Legend

    Alignment: Any good
    Hit Die: d6

    Level BAB Saves Special
    1 +1 +2/+2/+2 Spirit of the Hero, Kokiri Sword, Wooden Shield
    2 +2 +3/+3/+3 Boomerang, Evasion, Dodge
    3 +3 +3/+3/+3 Heart Container (d8), Heroic Physique
    4 +4 +4/+4/+4 Hidden Skill (Shield Attack), Hammerspace Inventory
    5 +5 +4/+4/+4 Bombs, Mettle, Fighter Bonus Feat
    6 +6 +5/+5/+5 Hero's Sword, Hylian Shield
    7 +7 +5/+5/+5 Hidden Skill (Spin Attack), Din's Fire
    8 +8 +6/+6/+6 Hero's Bow, Improved Evasion
    9 +9 +6/+6/+6 Heart Container (d10), Hidden Skill (Helm Splitter)
    10 +10 +7/+7/+7 Hookshot, Fighter Bonus Feat
    11 +11 +7/+7/+7 Master Sword, Mirror Shield
    12 +12 +8/+8/+8 Hidden Skill (Sword Beam), Farore's Wind
    13 +13 +8/+8/+8 Fire and Ice Arrows, Improved Mettle
    14 +14 +9/+9/+9 Hidden Skill (Parry), Power Bracelets
    15 +15 +9/+9/+9 Heart Container (d12), Longshot, Fighter Bonus Feat
    16 +16 +10/+10/+10 Light Sword
    17 +17 +10/+10/+10 Hidden Skill (Jump Strike), Nayru's Love
    18 +18 +11/+11/+11 Fairy in a Bottle
    19 +19 +11/+11/+11 Light Arrows
    20 +20 +12/+12/+12 Heart Container (d12+2), Hidden Skill (Hurricane Spin), Fighter Bonus Feat
    Class Skills (4 + Int)
    Balance, Climb, Craft, Concentration, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope

    Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Hero of Legend is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and light armor and shields (except tower shield).

    Spirit of the Hero (Ex): A Hero of Legend possesses an unbreakable spirit and indomitable will. He is immune to all fear effects and receives a +2 bonus on will saves versus mind-affecting effects.

    Kokiri Sword (Ex): A Hero of Legend has inherited the skills and abilities of his past lives, especially those related to martial combat. When wielding a light weapon, he can add his dexterity modifier (if positive) to his attack and damage rolls.

    Wooden Shield (Ex): Among the inherited knowledge of a Hero of Legend is the ability to greater utilize shields in combat. When wielding a light shield, he can add his strength modifier (if positive) to his AC. This counts as part of his shield bonus to AC and, therefore, does not apply to touch AC.

    Boomerang (Ex): At level two, a Hero of Legend gains the ability to throw weapons in such a way that they always return to him. All weapons he throws, whether they hit or miss, come back to him at the end of the round. If he has a free hand, he can catch it, otherwise it falls in his square. This does not apply to grenade weapons like alchemist fire.

    Evasion (Ex): As the Rogue ability.

    Bonus Feats: At level two, a Hero of Legend gains Dodge as a bonus feat. At every fifth level, he also gains any fighter bonus feat for which he meets the prerequisites.

    Heart Container (Ex): As he progresses through his journey, a Hero of Legend becomes tougher and more resistant to damage. At level three, all his HD from this class become d8s instead of d6s (reroll hit points). At level nine, they become d10s, and at level 15, they become d12s. At level 20, he gains a bonus +2 hit points per class level.

    Heroic Physique (Ex): It takes a great amount of physical conditioning to be a Hero of Legend, and by level three, he is among the best athletes around. He gains a bonus on all strength and dexterity-based skill checks equal to his class level, and he can always take 10 on these skills, even when threatened.

    Hidden Skills: Over his many past lives, a Hero of Legend has learned numerous special combat techniques. As he advances in level, he relearns these skills.
    Shield Attack (Level 4) (Ex): Gain Improved Shield Bash as a bonus feat. After successfully hitting with a shield bash attack, the target must make a fortitude save versus the damage dealt or become dazed for one round.
    Spin Attack (Level 7) (Ex): Gain Whirlwind Attack as a bonus feat. A whirlwind attack takes a standard action to use.
    Helm Splitter (Level 9) (Ex): After successfully dazing an opponent with the Shield Attack ability, make a free extra attack against that opponent.
    Sword Beam (Level 12) (Su): When at full health and wielding a light or one-handed weapon, use a standard action to fire a sword beam. The sword beam is a 120 foot line that deals Xd6 damage to neutral creatures and Xd10 damage to evil creatures where X is equal to class level.
    Parry (Level 14) (Ex): Whenever an opponent makes a melee attack that misses, roll a reflex save against the attack roll. If successful, immediately make a free melee attack against that opponent.
    Jump Strike (Level 17) (Su): As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity while wielding a melee weapon, make a jump check and move ten feet. At the end of that movement, attack all opponents within range, adding the result of the jump check to the damage roll.
    Hurricane Spin (Level 20) (Su): As a full-round action while wielding a melee weapon, move twice your speed without provoking attacks of opportunity and make an attack roll against every enemy that is within range at any point of your movement. You can attack the same opponent multiple times if they are still within range after moving. After using this ability, you become fatigued for 1d4+1 rounds.

    Hammerspace Inventory (Ex): A true Hero of Legend knows the secret of carrying around lots of various items and gadgets. You never know when something might come in handy. At level four, his maximum load is multiplied by two, and he never experiences movement or armor check penalties for encumbrance.

    Bombs (Ex): Blowing things up is always a useful skill to have, and at level 5, a Hero of Legend knows just how to do it. When using grenade weapons like alchemist fire, he deals Xd6 damage to the target and Xd2 splash damage where X equals his class level. In addition, his attacks with grenade weapons deal double damage to objects.

    Mettle (Ex): At 5th level, a Hero of Legend can resist magical and unusual attacks with great willpower or fortitude. If he makes a successful Will or Fortitude save against an attack that normally would have a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead completely negates the effect. An unconscious or sleeping Hero of Legend does not gain the benefit of mettle.

    Hero's Sword (Ex): Upon reaching level six, a Hero of Legend regains further skill with the use of his weapons. The Kokiri Sword ability now applies to one-handed weapons, and when wielding a light or one-handed weapon, he can strike through an opponent's guard. If he attacks a flatfooted, dazed, or stunned enemy, he targets touch AC.

    Hylian Shield (Ex):At sixth level, a Hero of Legend becomes even more adept at using his shield. The Wooden Shield ability now applies to heavy shields, and when wielding a light or heavy shield, he can block almost any attack, even those of a magical nature. He applies his shield bonus to his touch AC.

    Din's Fire (Sp): A Hero of Legend is capable of using magical powers, and at level seven, he acquires the first of these: an explosion of fire around hi.. As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, he can use Din's Fire which deals Xd8 fire damage to all enemies within a 20 radius burst centered on himself where X equals his class level. This ability can be used once per minute.

    Hero's Bow (Ex): By level eight, a Hero of Legend is one of the best marksmen in the world thanks to his skill in Z-Targeting. He adds his class level as a bonus on all attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons.

    Improved Evasion (Ex): As the Rogue ability.

    Hookshot (Ex): One of a Hero of Legend's more unusual tools is the hookshot. At tenth level, he gains the ability to traverse short distances up walls and across gaps. As a standard action, he may instantly move to any square within 100 feet so long as there is a wall or sturdy object (tree, boulder, etc.) adjacent to it and a straight line of effect between it and the Hero of Legend.

    The hookshot may also be used to retrieve faraway objects. As a standard action, a Hero of Legend may acquire any unattended object of 20 pounds or less that is within 100 feet so long as there is a straight line of effect between it and him.

    Finally, the hookshot may be used to daze opponents. As a standard action, a Hero of Legend can make a ranged touch attack against any creature that is within 100 feet so long as there is a straight line of effect between them. If successful, the target must then make a fortitude save against a DC equal to the attack roll or be dazed for one round.

    At level fifteen, the Hero of Legend upgrades to the longshot which allows him to use this ability within a range of 200 feet.

    Master Sword (Su): A Hero of Legend is a warrior on the side of light in the battle between good and evil, and he can channel his inner purity to slay the creatures of the darkness. At level eleven, any weapon he wields is considered a holy weapon.

    Mirror Shield (Su): Upon reaching eleventh level, a Hero of Legend can use his inner goodness for defense as well as offense. When wielding a light or heavy shield, he gains a bonus to AC equal to half his level against ranged attacks, including ranged touch attacks. In addition, any ray effect that fails to hit him is reflected back at its source.

    Farore's Wind (Sp): At level twelve, a Hero of Legend gains the use of another magical ability, one that carries him on the wind to another place. This one allows him to teleport as the spell once per hour.

    Fire and Ice Arrows (Su): By level thirteen, a Hero of Legend can imbue his arrows with magical power. Any bow or crossbow he wields can be treated as either a flaming burst or icy burst weapon (or neither) at his choice. He can switch between them as a free action.

    Improved Mettle (Ex): At thirteenth level, a Hero of Legend can resist magical and unusual attacks with greater willpower or fortitude. If he fails his Will or Fortitude save against an attack that has a lesser effect on a successful save (such as any spell with a saving throw entry of Will half or Fortitude partial), he instead suffers that lesser effect. An unconscious or sleeping Hero of Legend does not gain the benefit of improved mettle.

    Power Bracelets (Su): A Hero of Legend already has great strength, but by obtaining the power bracelets, he can increase it even further. He gains a +8 enhancement bonus to strength. He also uses four times his maximum load to determine his weight limit for lifting and dragging.

    Light Sword (Su): By level sixteen, a Hero of Legend has grown powerful enough that the creatures of evil cower before him. Any light or one-handed weapon he wields sheds light like a lantern when drawn. Evil creatures within range of this light must make a will save against a DC equal to the Hero of Legend's class level or become shaken. Any evil creature struck by the weapon must make a will save against a DC equal to the attack roll or become frightened. This even affects creatures that are normally immune to fear, like undead.

    Nayru's Love (Sp): A Hero of Legend who reaches level seventeen acquires yet another magical ability. By coating himself in a magical aura, he becomes immune to all hit point damage for one minute. This ability can be used once per day.

    Fairy in a Bottle (Su): A Hero of Legend is protected by the magic of the fairies. At level eighteen, he can be saved from otherwise fatal wounds. Once per day, if he drops below 0 hit points he automatically returns to half health.

    Light Arrows (Su): The greatest weapon in the fight against evil is the legendary light arrow, and at level nineteen, a Hero of Legend gains the ability to use them. When wielding a bow or crossbow, he can make use light arrows (instead of fire or ice arrows). Whenever he hits an evil creature with a HD total that is less than the Hero of Legend's level it must make a fortitude save against a DC equal to the damage dealt or instantly die. This even affects creatures that are normally immune to death effects, like undead. If he hits an evil creature with equal or more HD, it must make a fortitude save against a DC equal to the damage dealt or become paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. This even affects creatures that are normally immune to paralysis, like dragons.

    Ex-Hero of Legend: A Hero of Legend who becomes non-good loses all spell-like and supernatural abilities granted by the class and can no longer advance in it. He can regain these abilities and can resume advancement if he returns to a good alignment and receives an Atonement spell.
    Last edited by Celestia; 2018-12-01 at 05:58 PM.
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