Quote Originally Posted by 2.5 cats View Post
The last time we saw Hilgay prior to the most recent comic was when vampire Durkon had been killed. Belkar clearly had extremely few hit points, as everyone else was out cold. Had she wanted to, Hilgya could've easily taken down wounded-Belkar and killed or at least robbed the rest of the Order. Instead, with five super-rich individuals at her mercy, she healed them up. I suppose we'll never know what she would've done had she not been aware of the world (including her son) being in danger, but that tips me toward Chaotic Neutral. I'll admit to being very relieved upon seeing the rest of the OotS in good working order at the end of the last comic, as I considered Hilgya doing the Chaotic Evil thing a distinct possibility.
This is an extremely good point.

Sadly, it is similar to a point Roy made about Belkar, to prove that he was not so bad as a team member. (afair)