I don't really care whether Hilgya is CN or CE, but I agree that she is near the boundary.

However, I do have to take exception to the argument that her treatment of Kudzu is a mark of evilness.

Yes, she's carrying the child into battle in a precarious position, but from her POV she probably considers this a good bonding experience. Add to that she probably doesn't trust anyone else to keep her baby as safe as she trusts herself to do so, even with vampires involved.

(Kind of like a mother who doesn't vaccinate her child: from the outside it looks foolish, but the mother thinks she's doing the best thing.)

If Hilgya sticks with the order, she will have to trust someone (maybe Sigdi?) to look after Kudzu, because I can not see them (or possibly her, after this experience) continuing to tolerate the risk to him. I do not think she can do that, so I am not actually expecting her to be with them much longer.