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Thread: IC Ljonarian Enigma: Tournament Chaos

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    Firbolg in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: IC Ljonarian Enigma: Tournament Chaos


    Quote Originally Posted by Athedia View Post
    Spoiler: CWater
    Spot: (1d20+10)[17]
    Listen: (1d6+2)[3]

    I can't boost sadly :( Used those already "today"

    Eglantine nodded sadly. "It was a lot of people. Thank you. We will survive this. We have too."

    She smiled, attempting to look confident and very much failing.
    Vindal nods and closes the door behind Eglantine. The atmosphere on the streets is restless as she makes her way towards Illyrie's temple. After everything that happened today she's keeping her eyes open and when she nears the temple she spots the figures of three guardsmen from far away. They're not standing right in front of the temple, but from their less than subtle glances it's clear that they're keeping an eye on the entrance. There's only a couple of other people in sight, the calming aura of the temple keeps the celebratory sort away and there were no busy shops right next to it either.


    Gastaraa Plains

    Quote Originally Posted by Table Flipper View Post
    Hawke curses as the fire arrow goes wide, but is relieved to see the treant shrink anyway. He advances quickly so as to better assess the situation.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Just a double move to Y15.
    The grass near the Emperor's tents is trampled and full of large footprints. Over half a dozen Imperial guards lie sprawled around, dead or alive, it's hard to tell which, except for the one that is missing a head. Another half a dozen are still standing, though most look badly beaten. Rowan is rushing over to a fallen guard, and Relik is fighting another. Aerin is prone on the ground, though appears to be quite conscious and her sword is pointing past the partly collapsed tent to her right. Hawke doesn't currently have visual on the Duchess, though he saw the treant shrink and heard her scream. A cluster of scared servants stand on the side.

    Ezdath takes a step towards Shalesse and lowers his axe to her head. "Don't move! You are under arrest for hostile actions against the Emperor. And for killing my friends!"

    "Is it down?!", shouts Drak and moves a little closer, then stares at the guard who is fighting Relik. "What the in the hells is with Tennet?!"

    The human guard next to Rowan tries to help Macrul, but the healer can tell she has no idea what she's doing. Another guard grabs a hold under her fallen comrade's arms and starts dragging him towards Rowan.

    Relik and Aerin see how Shalesse turns to Ezdath and glares at him, despite being exhausted her rage doesn't seem to have quelled. "Insolence! Do you know who I am?!" The guard does not reply.

    A catfolk guard runs past Hawke and takes another swing at Tennet. "Yield! You've lost!", Chennis shouts, sounding almost pleading. The attack hits, but made by a reluctant hand and leaves only a small cut.

    Spoiler: Chennis attacks Tennet
    Scimitar: (1d20+10)[17]
    Damage: (1d6+2)[3]
    Last edited by CWater; 2019-01-10 at 02:11 PM.
    Alamryn Kven, a druid who tries very hard not to be useless.
    Celesta Halla, a fearless barbarian.
    Jheren Falconer, a drifter ranger.
    Rhenner Calami, a snarky medic with an untrustworthy memory.

    DMing Ljonarian Enigma: Imperial Affairs and The Pirate Dream: Sliced Heart