Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
He barely seems to hear you. He certainly doesn't respond. He's been caught in this state for as long as you've known him and a dude doesn't spend literally a month in bed weeping if he can be shaken out of it with a little care and a gentle question.

Academics 3 with folklore speciality: That said, a thought does occur to you - the legend of the Fisher King. The Arthurian King caught in a cycle of grief and mourning all the landscape changed to reflect his misery. With the magic of faerie being such as it is you wonder how much of the town's sicknesses might extend from its broken monarchs. You also wonder if this is not, in fact, any sort of natural depression - it seems so comprehensive, so resistant, so enduring it might have more common cause with a curse, or a wound.

[It's a manipulation+empathy roll at -10 to get through to him. Good luck. You can bring that number down by finding more information (magically or otherwise) about him.]
Lilly pulled him a little closer and placed his head on her shoulder. She shuffled a little until she could rest her back against the side of the bed. She pulled his covers over to cover them both. She imagined the cold was as comfortable to him as it was to her but it felt kinder to wrap him up. She'd never seen a being so broken as this and it could not just be because he'd lost a dog or been dumped by someone. The way this town was, it just had to be more to it, and she had a feeling Spring was involved somehow.

She wasn't going to get much out of him like this, that much was clear. That only really left one thing. It was probably not a good time, it was probably unwise to do it alone. But since some people had more important things to do she was on her own and so she would do her best to deal with it... on her own.

She pulled over his pillows and puffed them up to lean her head on and then closed her eyes, her arms wrapped gently around the skeleton king, patting soft repetitive pats on his shoulder. Like that, she invited sleep, and hoped it would fall over him as well so she may meet him in Dreams one more time.