Quote Originally Posted by Oulana View Post
Q456 maybe I've misunderstood the energy focus drawback then. I guess, I figured since the destroyer's handbook was written and errata'd the drawback to mean you can take any of the blast types that where in the newer blast type groups. Wouldn't the drawback now be you are Force focused and limited to taking force blast, invigorating blast and mana siphon blast types or using the base effect if it is force. Or taking fire limits you to taking blistering blast, fire blast or searing blast. I guess, I also assumed that taking default blast was allowed since it never expressly stated you have to take a blast type just that never being able to take a blast type would be pretty limiting. Was those incorrect assumptions?
A456: If you have the drawback, you can take any of the talents in the same group. I was trying to point out that if you count the basic blast as part of the force group, you are getting a bonus talents from the drawback that you are not spending on a blast type talent to replace the base blast. Therefore counting the base blast as part of a group reduces the cost of the drawback. Which may be why I never placed it in a group to begin with.