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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Frozen City

    Default Re: Let's Read The Immortal Handbook Bestiary

    I made a demigod for comparison. It was randomized as to how many hit dice it would have and what portfolios it would have. It's... terrible. Just terrible. I only spent 92 million gold on 2 items.

    Azug Azog
    N Wyvern Wyvern 11 Barbarian 24, Level 35+30, Init 14, HP 1420/1420, DR 15/Epic, 6/-, Speed 180 Land/Burrow Fly 450 poor
    AC 108, Touch 26, Flat-footed 100, Fort 94, Ref 63, Will 55, Base Attack Bonus 28
    Acid, Collision, Ghost Touch all weapons Bite +87 (20d10+3d6+68, x2)
    Poison Sting +87 (8d6+3d6+45, x2)
    2 Wings (4d8+3d6+39 for addtional wings (2)) +87 (8d8+3d6+45, x2)
    Resistance Bonus to Saves +32 Breath of Winter (+32 Armor, +8 Dex, -4 Size, +6 Deflect, +50 Natural, +6 Misc)
    Abilities Str 101, Dex 27, Con 83, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 22

    Edit: I gave it actual weapons and recalculated the numbers.

    Edit again: I am really bad at this. Recalculated my items again.

    Edit a third time: Figured out my wealth is only supposed to be ~54 million instead of ~120 million. Cut down to 2 items and a bunch of change.
    Last edited by Karl Aegis; 2019-01-23 at 11:08 PM.
    "Movement speed is the most important statistic in this game."

    "Give them no mercy for they give no mercy to us."

    "I see one of those I kill it!"