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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Let's Read The Immortal Handbook Bestiary

    Quote Originally Posted by ColorBlindNinja View Post
    It is generally acknowledged that D&D 3.5 has broken down by level 15.
    How? Since you can create Pun pun at level 1, is level 1 broken too? Is playing 4 level 15 fighters broken?

    There are epic monsters of the same or lower CR that would paste your group. I don't consider that to be balanced.

    If that's the case, your group is pretty unoptimized.
    Sure... call it that. But the point is the game only "breaks down" if you choose to, therefore it does not automatically happen, ergo its not broken per! You can play a low-mid optimized game and nothing breaks down!

    You seriously want to argue that epic isn't broken?
    Broken how? Against what benchmark? There are rules which can be abused to make Pun Pun at level 1 and there are epic things that break the game... but its about how you use it. Our game is not broken... we choose not to, so I don't abuse the free wishes or the Sarrukh Su ability loops. Our DM said many years ago, that all the tricks we used, any other NPC worth his/her salt knew too... So unless we wanted to fight Pun Pun... we should think carefully what we abused...

    But yes, I would ague that there are faults, but its not broken as in unplayable!

    If its only broken because you can break the game, then that like saying a car is broken because you can crash it! If the game can be played without breaking down, then I would not call the game inherently broken.. especially not at level 15 or 21...

    EDIT: That saves increase faster than its possible to increase the spell DC, mages are actually becoming relatively weaker over time as they increase in level... That's a broken mechanic.
    Last edited by Melcar; 2019-01-23 at 07:18 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by chaotic stupid View Post
    tippy's posted, thread's over now

    78% of DM's started their first campaign in a tavern. If you're one of the 22% that didn't, copy and paste this into your signature.