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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Mar 2017
    Virgo Supercluster

    Default Re: Let's Read The Immortal Handbook Bestiary

    Quote Originally Posted by Florian View Post
    Personally, I donīt like certain blanket statements, like "anyone agrees on" or "everybody knows X is broken", as most of the time, they turn out not to be true, at least not as universally true as they people using them like a meme want them to be.
    I said "generally accepted", IIRC.

    EDIT: It turns out I made a more blanket statement in the OP. I mostly did that because it sounds better in an essay. I did mean it to be "generally accepted" even though that's not what I wrote.

    Quote Originally Posted by Florian View Post
    For example, 3E/3.5E used a very simple design decision: Everything that will be added will only be referenced and cross-checked against core, nothing else.
    Considering how broken Core is, I'd say that design decision failed utterly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Florian View Post
    You know, stuff like the Tippyverse have already reached meme-like qualities on this forum. If you don't want to end up there, just don't go there, simple as that. Same for the Shadow Apocalypse and similar topics. Itīs like, you know, I could drive my Audi at speeds way past 200 Kmh, but I'm not forced to just because I can and especially not if I want a leisurely sunday afternoon cruise.
    That doesn't mean that the system isn't broken, just because you avoid the broken bits.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Aegis View Post
    The biggest criticism I've seen of this book is some of the monsters don't really have a place in the game. Any demi-god worth his salt is going to shred all abominations, but quasi-dieties aren't strong enough to challenge an abomination alone. Also, the jump from quasi-diety to demigod gives you an entire 10 ECL, going from ECL 49 at 29 hit dice to 60 at 30 hit dice. This leaves quite a few areas where enemies aren't an appropriate challenge unless in large numbers. I would suggest bumming around at divine ranks longer, maybe increasing hit dice requirements to get to the next bump.
    It is worth noting that the second Immortal Handbook product (Ascension) preforms a complete overhaul on how gods and divine ranks function.
    Last edited by ColorBlindNinja; 2019-01-24 at 11:19 AM.