Quote Originally Posted by Melcar View Post
But is it though... at level 15? Could you provide any substantial proof of this statement? Its the first (as in this thread) that I have heard level 15 being "broken".
I already talked about this. It's mostly the spells that tier 1 classes gain access to.

Quote Originally Posted by Melcar View Post
Could you clarify exactly what you mean when you say broken? Because I have played many games since year 2000 all using PHB and DMG and MM without anything happening... So what does "broken mean?
Shapechange, Gate, Wish, Simulacrum. Wizards, Druids, Clerics. These are all core and highly overpowered.

Quote Originally Posted by Melcar View Post
No, it just means that it doesn't matter. A wizard can be very powerful without cheesing it.. Especially, when hopyfully the DM and players somewhat makes sure the challenge fits to the party... so whats the problem? Is it really a problem that some people think that the rules don't work?
That's not this works. If the game has broken content, it has broken content. Whether you choose to use or not doesn't change the fact it's there.