With a smile on his face, he looks at the insect man says "It would depend on the type of elf. But when it comes to the art of getting information. I am very good at it. For knolage is power. Would you not agree. But I you have been a very good host. and I do have a long jurney ahead of me. Ontil next time. Good luck."

With that, he takes out the wagon and leads it and then orders his followers to get in the other wagons. using one of the wagons as a table Blood Raven and some of his higher level fallowers examin the maps. As he looks at them saying ok here is a map of the area. lets see if we can plot a corse out of this desart with out loseing anyone. As he hopes that some of the wells are marked as well.

after the planning is done Robert explains the commands for the beetle to his rangers. as one of them leads the group out on the blood raven stays at the rear as he waves good by to the bugmen before turning invisable and flying to the lead cart and then takes a seat beside the ranger. As he says to her "This is going to be a long trip."