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Thread: Diplomacy by Avalon Hill

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    Halfling in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Northern Virginia

    Default Re: Diplomacy by Avalon Hill

    I've played Diplomacy several times (all online), and even won once! a no-press game. I've only played Standard so far (and one game on Standard map, using the Fleet-Rome variant). Youngstown does intrigue me, though most games I've observed indicate that stalemate lines are a bigger problem in that variant. I'm not especially good at the actual diplomacy, which may explain why I do better in no-press games. I tend to be embattled but surviving by midgame...

    Since there appears to be interest in a new game, I'll be willing to GM one. I've GMed two forum games before using DP Judge; I can use the Realpolitik tool and the rulebook to adjudicate here, if the players just want to use the forum.
    Last edited by EricDerKonig; 2007-04-10 at 05:54 PM. Reason: Minor grammar, spelling.