Keep Calm and Carol On

Quote Originally Posted by Gnrlshrimp View Post
[MagElf Achieved]

"C'mon Magtok, do you really think a silly Thanksmas prank is some attempt to set myself up as your nemesis? That's- wow, I'm sorry Magtok but that's just kind of sad. Anyway, enough stalling!"

Ithuriel moves to grab Magtok by the scruff of his neck.

"If you're crying out that badly for a nemesis to kickstart your villainy again, look elsewhere."

And then she'll frogmarch him through the portal, which is sure to be quite the sight for Caelynn.
Quote Originally Posted by Arkhosia View Post
Mag Laid Plans

Well, it would be, if Caelynn was there to see it.

Right now, she's a fair distance away - though still within sight - and speaking to a very tall goblinoid in stilts and comically oversized earmuffs. "H-hey, have you seen a man by the name of Lord Magtok anywhere?" the doctor questions with a tone of worry just barely suppressed by attempts to keep calm, continuing after a clueless pause from the person she's questioning. "About this tall, bald, one half of his body is cybernetic? Wearing something that stands out wonderfully with a cocky little smirk? No?"

Magtok settles for merely grumbling swears under his breath, rather than drag out this petty feud any further. Ithuriel will get her comeuppance in due time, don't you worry. Just not here, and not now. Yes, we'll make her rue the day she crossed Lord Magtok, and just to prove how incredible we are, we'll do it without resorting to setting a city block on fire. Ambriel will be brought to tears when we humili-

"Wait, where's Caelynn?" Magtok asks, tilting his head to one side. The motion causes the stupid bell on his stupid elf hat to jingle, striking a match to his smoldering animosity towards the two screwballs who made him wear this atrocious costume. The surge of indignation is almost distracting enough to make him forget his question, but he quickly gets a grip on himself and casts his gaze this way and that, searching for the catgirl. Unfortunately he's facing exactly the wrong way, or else he might've spotted her by now.

"She was right here. This is the exact spot where you abducted me for your stupid game, we were standing right here," Magtok insists, trying to sound more perplexed than alarmed, even as his thoughts race ahead to a wide variety of stomach-churning worst case scenarios. Caelynn panicked, had a heart attack, and got rushed off to the nearest magical medical practitioner. Marciano's daughter staged a kidnapping the moment Magtok was gone, collaborating with Kram to make him suffer for daring to quit his job with at Con Z. The reindeer that had been stalking them carried her off into the woods. Blanche showed up, and literally bored her mother to death talking about guns. Reinholdt seduced her again.

Ashes to Ashes, Snowflakes to...Water, I Guess?

Quote Originally Posted by Arkhosia View Post
RIP In Pasta

Fidelia pauses to think for a moment, shivering slightly in the cold. "Well... maybe we could get some hot chocolate, or something? I-I've never had that before, to be honest... and it is a little chilly, so warming up would be nice." she suggests. Briefly, she wonders if Jenette would be able to enjoy it along with them. I mean, sure, she can't eat food, but maybe she can still drink certain things? She'd heard stories of ghouls that could still drink coffee, so maybe it wasn't so far-fetched.
Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
[RIP In Pasta]

"I can't say I've ever had it either," Calm Reed admits. "I've heard of people drinking chocolate, but it was considered showy even for Dynasts. If it's so common here people drinking on holidays, I suppose I must try it."

"Sure, why not," Jenette shrugs, even though she can think of six or seven perfectly good reasons why not, and they all involve her horrid dietary restrictions and crestfallen nostalgia for the days when she could drink hot chocolate without it tasting of ashes and shame. Calm and Fi deserve something fun and cheery after their snowman got pulped by a runaway bear.

"I've had it a few times myself, it's pretty good. Just making sure first, Calm Reed, you don't have any religious laws saying what you can and can't eat, do you?" she asks, trying to preemptively move the subject away from her own ability to consume hot chocolate before Fidelia can think to ask anything about it.