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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Girl Genius XXV: It needs work! BUT THE CONCEPT IS SOUND!

    Going to double post since these are on different comics and were done hours apart:

    I like how Tarvek deals with grief, though it seems wrong to be enjoying it.

    Higgs is always laid back (well, almost always) but he seems pretty calm given his reactions to the near deaths of people he cares about. After all, he's also been pretty good at empathy for a Jaeger. Maybe he understands what Tarvek needs, right now--or maybe he's going to let Tarvek calm down before giving his opinion of Krosp's analysis.

    At least , I'm hoping he'll point out why Krosp might be wrong.
    Last edited by Ellen; 2019-02-11 at 12:23 AM.