Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
[Drow, some other things]

Iknika's ears twitch.

"Ooooh. I didn't know you didn't know. But neither did I, until Lady Eschelle told me," she says. "Knights are a warriors who wear heavy armor and fight with honor and courage. Usually to defend the honor of their lord, lady or country. Our friend Koshal has a lady he serves."


As Fayyaad leads Kal towards the drink tables, he turns to introduce himself with a slight flourish.

"My name is Fayyaad ibn-Haashid al-Zafar," he says. "But just Fayyaad will do. I come from the land of Moran-Ir and the illustrious Zafar family. Though I am currently taking something of an extended vacation."
Quote Originally Posted by Earl of Purple View Post
Human and Humanoids, and Wolves

"My dad was a knight, but his title was purely ceremonial. A knight-scholar, which was awarded for his magical achievements. Basically, he set up a school to teach magic, a very successful one, and his reward from the King was elevation into the lowest rank of the nobility. But knights started as elite cavalry selected from the nobility, with all the best equipment and training. Things just... Evolved." As magic spread, knights found it didn't matter how many of them charged the weird guy in robes- they weren't likely to survive the magical blast the weird guy was about to throw. Cannons also helped change the meaning of knights, since they proved quite effective at killing them, too.
[Drow, others]

"Oh! I see," says Yasril. "I suppose we have people in similar positions, but I guess cavalry aren't as common underground..."


"A tiefling nobleman from Moran-Ir? You don't say?" Says Kal, grinning with amusement as Fayyaad introduces himself.

"I am Kal. Of Blackthorne." He says, choosing not to reveal for now that the place he's from and his surname are one and the same. "And I suppose you could say I'm on a vacation of my own."

Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post

The snowmanity!

The bear would excuse itself but all it can manage are growls that not even other bears would understand.
Finally, she stops as it seems the reindeer got the better of her after she had to attempt to dodge all those snowmen, with empathize on attempt.
Slowly sitting down, she will turn back into her humanoid form, making sure that Rain doesn't just fall off when she suddenly shrinks down to a 'mere' 7 foot in height. "Aw, geez, I got caught up in the moment again. Those poor snowlings." She says as she turns to face the battlefield she left behind. "I guess I should apologize." She didn't sound too sure though, she wasn't even sure who she should apologize to, those goblin kids? Goblins could sue her for everything she owned!
Then she turns to Rain. "You know any, uhm, fitting funeral tunes? For the snowmen I mean." That's very silly Anika.

"Oh dear," says Rain, looking regretfully at all the destruction they've caused. "I've left my harp over there, but I think I have..."

She rummages around on her person, before pulling out... a kazoo! Where was she keeping a kazoo, with no purse and wearing a short dress that definitely has no pockets?

In the fur lining, of course.

And with it she plays a most mournful tune.