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Thread: D&D Subclass Contest VI Voting Thread

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default D&D Subclass Contest VI Voting Thread

    Six down so far! 11 entries once again, keeping the streak alive! Now it's time for the voting thread.

    Simple rules. Vote for your number 1, number 2, and number 3 picks. You can't vote for yourself. A number 1 vote is worth 3 points, a number 2 is worth 2, and a number 3 is worth one.

    Also enter your top two picks for the next theme from those randomly pulled from the list of future themes. The winner will be our next theme, while the runner-up will be guaranteed to be in the voting next cycle. A number one pick is worth 2 points, and a number two pick is worth 1.

    Entry Creator 1st 2nd 3rd
    Paladin: Oath of the Sacred Fist MoleMage 0 2 0
    Monk: Way of the Ghost Punch The Cats 0 0 0
    Bard: College of the Luchador nickl_2000 2 1 0
    Variant Multiclass Monk Unavenger 0 1 1
    Bard: College of the Fist theVoidWatches 0 0 0
    Rogue: Pilferer sengmeng 1 0 1
    Warlock: Master Hand Patron Vogie 0 4 0
    Wizard: School of Telemancy Icecaster 0 1 1
    Rogue: Bar Brawler SleeplessWriter 2 0 1
    Bard: College of Fraternity Kingsluger 1 0 1
    Cleric: Strength Domain Ivellius 1 0 3

    Classes unrepresented in contest 6: Barbarian, Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Sorcerer.

    Theme Description 1st 2nd
    Keep it Simple, Stupid Simple Subclasses 1 2
    It Is Written Subclasses based on destiny or prophecy 2 1
    Subsystems Online Subclasses that use new game mechanics 2 1
    From Zero to Hero Ordinary people becoming exceptional heroes 1 0
    Well, That's Fortunate Subclasses based on luck 2 3

    Keep it Simple and Subsystems Online both carried over from the last voting thread since they were tied for runner-up. Please contain your theme votes to these five themes. If the one you wanted to vote for isn't here, blame google's random number generator and hold out for next time. Feel free to make new theme suggestions still, I will add them to the overall list and they will have a chance of being rolled for next month's contest.

    This thread will stay open until the end of the day February 24. The following day I will recheck all vote counts and declare a winner, then post the next contest thread. Good luck everyone!
    Last edited by MoleMage; 2019-02-25 at 10:46 PM.