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Thread: Frozen 2

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Frozen 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Starwulf View Post
    I have no real answers to any of your questions, but I do have a theory for #1: They are going to look for their parents. The way Elsa kept charging at the ocean makes me think that they are going to try to cross it so they can try to find out what happened to them. Elsa is likely trying to find a way to quell the waves with her magic so she can save them if the ocean becomes to rough while they are sailing.
    Elsa isn't equipped to do that and it looks like she's just training. Why? I have no clue as she was insanely powerful in the first movie, but freezing the ocean is a terrible idea in storm as you'd have to freeze so much water around you so as not to be crushed by moving ice that you'd freeze your ship in the process.

    I mean, them finding their parents makes at least some sense, but they seem to just be wandering through the wilderness so I don't think thats it.

    Quote Originally Posted by DeadMech View Post
    I'm sure all over the world there are people groaning about this. It was going to happen. I don't think any company could have a property that big on their table and not use it. I liked Frozen. I also don't have tiny people in my house forcing me to rewatch it 1000 times like I forced my parents with 101 dalmatians when I was a kid.

    It looks like Elsa is doing what her parents should have been having her do all her life. Train to use her magic. Although there are probably safer ways than this. I can't tell exactly what's going on here. Pink heart shaped rings over fire... Is that Hans getting thrown into the air by a gust of wind? I can't seem to pause on a frame with his face. But that girl doesn't look like Anna. Our hero's from the first film appear to be traveling though the wilderness and there is a strong focus on it being autumn.

    I'm not terribly familiar with the fairy tale Frozen was inspired from. I could comb through that for hints... or I could wildly and blindly speculate. Yeah that sounds fun. Ummmm... there are other kids with nature powers themed around the seasons. Maybe one of them accidentally apocalypsed the world just like Else did in the first movie and they are off trying to investigate since they have first hand experience.
    Its based on Hans Christen Andersen's Snow Queen story, but only very superficially, as there is no troll or magical mirror and those are kind of important.

    Really there's just a bunch of random images with very little context. Also I don't like her training. It just feels...really specific. Like, why is running on water with ice something you're training for? Just freeze the bloody thing and walk on the walkway you just made. And refrain from doing it on a storm tossed ocean.
    Last edited by Blackhawk748; 2019-02-13 at 08:53 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Guigarci View Post
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