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Thread: Inside 67: Shadow over Innside

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Inside 67: Shadow over Innside

    Quote Originally Posted by Meltdowner View Post
    Brun looks back up at Smorre as he leans in and gently advises her against taking up the mob life. "I know, I know, I know and we'll see about that last one, ah?" She's studying him, looking at him with new eyes, enough time for the elf to make it across. "You know about the life. Either a cop, or someone affilated like Spitzel... maybe you're even in the mob as the tech guy or something. Not boss material, mid to high level, maybe." She ruminates, trying to figure out why he knows what he knows and what he might not be letting on.

    The elf has made his way in and steps up to the two dining animal people, and addresses the grey-blue sky fox girl. "Brunhilde Stendhal." He calls her name out, while she fails to shush him. She hid her name thinking it'd make her stand out less. "Come with me. Sir, excuse us." He says to Smorre, briefly revealing the holstered firearm on his belt.


    "No questions, you won't screw this up for me. Get up, now."

    "Skugga and I already hung out yesterday, you're not... let me go!" She squeaks as the elf tires of all of this and tries dragging her away. "Herr Smorre! This guy's creepy!" She calls, but then kicks the elf in the shins, which momentarily stops his movement but not his dragging.
    [the Furry Mob]

    Smorre smirks at Brun's theories. "Wwelll, maybe I I just read lots o-of Mafia stories." He chuckles. "Mob life aand rules are p-p-pretty well known." Since he can see the elf man coming, Smorre is not surprised at all once he enters the tiny restaurant, and Alzim even greets him with a friendly "Welcome, sir!". But alas, it's not food the elf is after. The cat man stays surprisingly calm, and raises his hands off the table into the air a bit to signify that he's harmless. "Oh, sure. Wh-what has to be hhhas to be." He doesn't even try to help Brun, not even once she kicks the elf, to avoid getting himself and the girl into unnecessary trouble. Just watches as the man starts dragging her away.

    It would be unwise to play hero when organised crime is involved, much less since Smorre doesn't fully know what's going on. He recognises the name Stendhal, it's the name of the deceased boss of another criminal group. Brun freely talked about her father being a mobster, yet hid her last name to avoid being associated with that specific group. Not a stupid move, since affiliation and loyalty means a lot in these social circles. That elf guy though, he loudly announced Brun's full name, flashed his weapon at a man who may just be a regular law-abiding citizen, and put on such a thuggish and obvious demeanour. He might be a low member of a group with low standards. An unprofessional muppet like that would never get a place in Smorre's group.
    Last edited by Cola; 2019-02-24 at 08:11 AM.
    Nexus characters-----Disclaimer: IC opinions and knowledge does not reflect OOC opinions and knowledge.-----I always appreciate feedback. Especially if you think I'm doing something wrong.