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Thread: Anthem - PrEAying it Doesn't Suck

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    Spamalot in the Playground
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    Default Re: Anthem - PrEAying it Doesn't Suck

    Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
    It's a "known bug" in the sense that they acknowledged it after it popped up on Reddit yesterday. It's good that they're fixing it, but I still think it's a fundamentally broken mechanic. Having enemies scale to your weapon breaks the entire point of a looter-shooter on a fundamental level. It also makes the stats on different weapons completely pointless, or at least incredibly deceiving.
    It was the other way around actually, they were trying to scale low level weapons to the enemies to improve the "newly unlocked javelin" experience. That was the point of the link I provided in my post. It didnt work the way they intended so they're rolling it back, melodrama over.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anteros View Post
    You say you don't see the value in doomsaying? I do. Companies like EA are going to continue to churn out buggy, crappy, half-finished content like this until people stop paying them to do it. If something is good then I'm perfectly willing to praise it, but when something is bad people should talk about it so others know.

    If it weren't for this thread I would have probably bought the game because the official Anthem sub is censoring criticism and I wouldn't have bothered to look deeper for issues. Because of "doomsaying" I know better and possibly avoided bricking my PS4. Plus, I know not to support the game. If enough people are like me, maybe they'll actually finish the product before selling it next time.
    Okay. Thanks for the bump.
    Last edited by Psyren; 2019-03-07 at 02:10 PM.