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Thread: What's your favorite headcanon?

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    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    The Moral Low Ground

    Default Re: What's your favorite headcanon?

    The new republic are inept.
    The FO spent decades working their way into convincing systems of their cause, or at least convincing them not to participate in the war. The 'knights of Ren' were heavily involved in this.

    The 'Deathstar tech' and 'hyperspace tracking' is just FO propaganda. Rose Is a spy, which is why she's the one in the know about this (or she's trying to allay suspicions about there being a spy on board, and her stationing by the escape pod is too convenient)
    Everything about Rose says spy, from the fact that nothing ever works when she's around, to sabotaging's finn's self-sacrifice attempt, to her bafflingly inane rants about the people of the casino that's really just a bad attempt to blend in.

    Some dude had a theory where Rey's parents weren't her biological parents and they found her grown in a pod, presumably with memories of the force implanted into her. her adopted traders sold her for little when they couldn't find a use for her. To me that works. Following TFA, I was expecting her parents to be nobody, but following the power displayed in TLJ, she's obviously too powerful to be from nobody.

    Snoke is too inept
    Hux is too incompetent
    The palace guard dance number was no good.
    Hyperdrive ram is inexcusable. Like was the nose of the ship made of something ultra expensive or something? That's the only way I can approach justifying it.
    Last edited by The Jack; 2019-03-08 at 06:24 AM.