Quote Originally Posted by Brother Oni View Post
Well, only through interpretation of limited data.
Of course it's "limited data," it's only been a week and some change since release. One more reason I roll my eyes at the dogpile.

Quote Originally Posted by Brother Oni View Post
In either case, while doomsaying won't affect your playing of Anthem, it will affect Bioware and other games it has in the pipeline - Dragon Age 4 for example. For all we know, Anthem crashing and burning may result in a separation of Bioware and EA, much like Bungie and Activision, resulting in Bioware regaining creative control over its IPs again.
While I wouldn't throw my toys out of the pram if that happened, I don't think it's particularly realistic either. All Bungie and Activision had was a very limited publishing arrangement for a single game - their relationship is nothing like the one between EA and Bioware, which is essentially whole ownership. Anthem flaming out is unlikely to change that; it's just as if not more likely to mean EA will do what it does to other studios that it has pushed out of their comfort zone, like Westwood, Visceral, Maxis, and Bullfrog.