Quote Originally Posted by LansXero View Post
Thats after he dies at Terra and Khorne brings him back, right?
Indeed. Prior to the Siege of Terra, he was a lot "saner". Tropes that apply:


Ax-Crazy: Subverted. Because of the Butcher's Nails, he's often prone to this, but he's also known for being one of the few that can actually keep others from the Legion (including Angron) from going all out to a point of utter stupidity (most of the time, anyway).

The Berserker: Interestingly enough, he resents it. It's very hard to face an entire force of highly trained and professional Astartes when your Legion is literally running everywhere without communicating with each other.

The Consigliere: The first captain not to get killed by Angron after the latter's reunited with the Legion and try to quench his lord's fury to more productive work. Not that it helps, but at least he tries.

Reasonable Authority Figure: Tries to be this for World Eaters, as Angron isn't eager to take the place.

Red Oni, Blue Oni: He tries to be blue Oni to his gene-sire, but has troubles with it.

White Sheep: Played with. Kharn is one of the few genuinely nice and caring World Eaters, and is typically calm and rational to a degree that's a little disturbing considering those he's surrounded by.