The Hanging Men

A sound in the dark. No, not just any sound. That's right, a voice. And not just one, but two. Yes, it would seem that he was not alone, there was someone alive out there. But friend or foe? He supposed it didn't matter in this circumstance, or it shouldn't, at any rate, but this place was a prison. If they had seen fit to throw his self here, then doubtless there could be those out there more bloodthirsty than he. That would certainly be fun, wouldn't it?

He certainly couldn't disagree with that. Seems like it would be fine either way. He opened his mouth to call out, but, alas, even his larynx refused to cooperate. A single rattling breath wouldn't get anyone's attention, he supposed. Well, perhaps his finger was working now. He looked up.

Alas, still nothing.