Wow, you people are so nice.

Takamari, for what it's worth, I can sympathize. I once had a player in my own campaigns who seemed to think the other players were not allies, but competition. He was constantly trying to see the other players' character sheets. If he believed their characters were inferior to his own, he would ridicule and mock them. If he believed their characters were superior to his own, he would throw a bit fit about how 'unfair' the game was.

He actually once cheered in victory when the enemy knocked out the party cleric, because he believed her ability to heal people made her 'more important' than his own character. When one of the other fighters managed to procure a magical weapon before he did, he became increasingly antagonistic toward her. He finally outright attacked her (even though it was completely out of character AND he was badly wounded from a previous fight) and he was cut down.

He left the game shortly after that.