Quote Originally Posted by Takamari View Post
Look, again, I was not trying to bring up the fighter/wizard thing. I will admit that it was obviously a mistake, but that is a sore topic for me too. Everyone looks at the paper abilities and forgets that the player might be smart enough to close that gap with careful planning and the correct magic items and feats. I know that the wizard is very powerful, but I'd like to think that a smart person can even the odds.
Oh, come on. Do you REALLY think that we forget about feats and magic items? Do you really think the Character Optimization board forgets about feats and magic items? A smart fighter vs. a stupid wizard can certainly win, but a smart wizard has a huge advantage. What are these magic items and feats that let you kill wizards in the mid-levels, anyway?

I also wanted to state for the record, I was talking about gaming groups, not the people on this board. I'm referring to how it doesn't matter what I do, I usually end up with a player that thinks his character, usually the guy that is the big bad fighter that deals 50+ damage per hit and has an AC of 25+, is better than everyone elses character, including the wizard and the cleric.

I have seen the wizard brag that his character is so much better than the rogue, but that was easily solved by the Rogue's character saying, "who watches you while you sleep?" One of my friends played a martial cleric who completely sucked. He never used any spells except the ones that boosted his martial abilities, seriously, spells like dispel magic, protection from evil, lesser restoration, were never memorized. He thought he was better than everyone else too, and challenged every other character to fight him. Then he complains when the wizard used his spells and not a weapon or the rogue hiding until his spells wore off.

I just was looking for friendly conversation and advise or stories.
You didn't really make that clear. It was basically a bitter rant that seemed like it was targeted at the board, and with a little "and everyone knows" [unpopular opinion X] tossed in for good measure. Are you really so surprised you didn't get a positive response?