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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Elemental Plane of Water

    Default Re: MitD XII: This Space Intentionally Left Dark

    Quote Originally Posted by lio45 View Post
    Why would we ever find ourselves in the scenario "a change must be made"? If a majority of people want a change that isn't Option B but rather something else, you'll be powerless to stop it; if a majority of people want Option B, it'll happen; if a majority of people don't, it won't. Don't support Option B if you actually oppose Option B. All the letters are actually running against A, which is their one and only adversary.
    I don't oppose Option B; I just prefer Option A more. EDIT: If people prefer something other than Options A or B, that's their deal, but at that point I choose to bow out of the voting as the other options don't appeal to me enough to vote for them.

    That would be me, and that's also what I'm trying to do.
    Wow. I bet you're fun at parties.
    Last edited by The Aboleth; 2019-03-22 at 12:43 AM.