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Thread: The Primeval Dark (IC)

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Chromascope3D's Avatar

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    Jul 2012
    Across the spiraling sea.

    Default Re: The Primeval Dark (IC)

    The Hanging Men

    The explosion reverberated through his eardrums as the cell door splintered open, shocking the man out of his vision. He had half a mind to cry out, but he felt, at that moment, a sharp pain him his rear. Yes, it seemed that the blast had sundered his chains as well. Certainly can't complain about that. No, of course not. He stood up and stretched, feeling blood returning to his legs and arms, and massaging his still cuffed wrists. But the man had a grasp of the stakes at hand, there wasn't even time for smug self satisfaction, so he'd have to worry about the rest of the chains later, it would seem. Grabbing his bag, he looped the drawstrings around his shoulders, and began to walk towards the door, until the walls were scraped away, and he found himself falling into black. Another dream so soon?

    There was a rush of cold, and wet. No, certainly no dream this time. The man scrambled to grab onto a ledge and pull himself out of the water, which looked sickly and smelled even more foul. He heard someone yell climb, well, no one needed to tell him twice. The man started climbing up, one stone at a time, and certainly felt the weight of his bag as he did so. He wondered, had it always been so heavy? He stopped to collect his breath, and looked over at the man named Crofte. Staring directly into his eyes, the masked man nodded, and muttered:


    Swim DC10 (1d20+6)[12]

    Climb DC 10 (1d20+6)[20]
    Climb DC 13 (1d20+6)[22]
    May spend a move action to reset the DC depending on the outcome. I have the CON for it is what it says on his tombstone.
    EDIT: Spent another move action to reset the DC and rolled in OOC
    Climb DC 10: (1d20+6)[17]
    Climb DC 13: (1d20+6)[11]
    So a 15 foot climb total. I believe I can spend another move action 5 more times before I need to roll for Fort.
    Last edited by Chromascope3D; 2019-03-28 at 06:36 PM.

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