The magical epicenter

Region 101, 100, 104, 25, 26

Current Actions

1: [ECONOMY] Buyout TP 3 Marble (Dvalta) region 16 With Dvalta having fallen apart due to their imprisonment. Lindeen uses the weakness and the shattering of a once great kingdom by picking up the pieces. Some of those pieces include their former economic resources. The Marble is also essential to the stability of Lindeen and so is targeted. Failure

2: [ECONOMY] Buyout TP 2 Silver (Yondar) region 27 Make Lindeen wealthier, how else to continue their experiments. This was to save mankind after all. 14

3: [ECONOMY] Buyout TP 2 Corn (Ti Linnad) region 33 Ti Linnad is weak and since they cannot be targeted militarily merchants are sent to do the good work instead. 14

4: [ECONOMY] Buyout TP 3 Hlaali Bark (Dvalta) region 56 Its a strange item but it will be easy to rip these resources from Dvalta. Failure

5: [ECONOMY] buyout TP 1 Dragon Beasts (Ridir) region 85 The Ridir are not but ignorant children. They would not know how to use the power of the dragon beasts even if they did have an active economy in their worthless little nation. 19

6: [ECONOMY] Use eco 5 to upgrade TP 3 Bhreshi Dogs in Aaenna Their new vassal lord is the only source of this strange riding dogs. They are interested in gaining access to the resource and putting immense resources in place to make it happen.


Mandates of Magic
Mandate of the precipice: (any attempt to force idolatry in one distinct direction AKA placing two HCs to the same faith) This order of administrators and inquisitors has one incredibly complex job, it is to keep the balance. Currently the three districts of magical learning belong to Jalyeong-Bo, Initia and Orthodox Perijianism. These can change depending on the research of the districts and the populaces fascinatons and magical inquiries into a particular faith so as to claim their essence BUT any attempt to tip that balance and force research and zealous faith is met with the brutal crackdown of the Mandate of the Precipice.

Mandate of the artifice: All temples within the confines of Lindeen will within the next 6 years bare a means of practicing practical magical theory. Worship is second to evolution of birthing magical manifestation.

Mandate of the Missionary Every temple is a cup from which the ideals of magic can be supped, and there are always individuals enlightened enough to view their faith as a canvas to draw mans ultimate design. Therefore schools of magic will be born in the hearts of surrounding temples and the most talented Sorcerors will be brought back to Lindeen to work in the mecha of these ideals.

Mandate of the Sovereign: Temples, gods and the workings of man therein are not all that make a kingdom. The art of negotiation, the ability to make deals with neighbors and come together against tyranny is in itself a type of magic that belongs to man alone. Honor your king, honor your Archon for only through their sacrifices and the tribute gleened from their work will the road to utopia become clear. No matter the mud they are forced to drag into the palace of heaven support them for they wish to deliver that palace unto you.

The Three districts of Lindeen are currently:
Initia-Initia is viewed as a purely human invention and thus with more respect then many of the faiths they currently corrupt and so the research done is all focused on pushing the power of weaker tattoos as well as searching for a means to remove the need for bani.
Jaelyong-Bo- Are dragons spirits? Do they have some spiritual connection to the world or are they beyond such beings?
Orthodox Perijianism- Improving the blessed blades is their priority right now, as is creating relics and weapons for the warcasters. Some feel they have relegated as more effort goes to Coatl Perijianism and promoting the manipulation of cycles.

The Two districts of (region 100) are currently:
Coatl Perijianism-The first temple is dedicated to working with the dragons and to see what the giant snake of creation and death feels about these beings.
Coatl Perijianism- The second district has no fanatical worshipers of Coatl, only the most power hungry and Lindeen aligned priests are chosen for the second temple. Secrecy surrounds the research being done but its clear they are trying to pervert the will of Xincoatl within his own temple and research on blood magic and raising the undead is at least "theorized." They knew it was possible the bloody hand could do it, now it was mastering that magic. Eyes turn to the far south where its rumored such magic is common place.

The district of (region 99) are currently:
Rhunic Animism- Their faith is so closely linked to Jalyeong-Bo there appears to only be means of pleasing the spirits that change. This appears more to go deeper into the spirits power and these ideas aren't going to be ignored by Lindeen. They happily begin to find ways of manipulating the spirits in their way.

The two districts of (region 102) are currently:
Jaelyong-Bo- Investigate more cerebral and less defined spirits, work on summoning these strange spirits of war, hate, love, sex etc.
Rhunic Animism- Learn more efficient rituals to control spirits Rhunic draws the attention of.

The two districts of (region 106) are currently:
Dragon Worship- How can they turn dragons into giant batteries of power?
Initia- Focus is on pulling more strength from conduits and sources, maximizing efficiency of Bani and other helpful tools for strengthening the faith (for the sake of the mandates)

News and Rumours
  • Frostfalls is a national holiday on Rybse Zielua the 12th
  • The Death of Macra is viewed as a tragedy among the sorcerors. Knowing she perished in combat and achieved nothing for the nation haunts them. A day of mourning is prepared and blame falls on the head of Macras half sister the leader of Sfaire they betrayed their nation when they needed them most, and it led to the death of family.
  • The citizens of Lindeen are united in their vengeance against Sfaire one day that nation would crumble for its crimes.
  • The alliance with Khirus was a thing of conveniance it kept the dogs of the empire away. They would not forget what happened in the North.

Spoiler: Ruler information

Archon Nestene Fendhal
Diplomacy 6
Economy 7+3
Military 7
Religion/magic 6
Intrigue 3

General: Yasos 7
War Caster: Rassilion 9
Spymaster: Kawasta 5

New Ruler Next Round?

Military Units
8 units (9 from regions)
(2000 wooden legion (1 unit) 100 Summoners (1 unit), 2000 blessed blades (2 units), 2500 Dwarven Militia (2 units) 7500 Spearmen (2 units))

Will of the mandates +2 dice size when corrupting uncorrupted HCs-The mandates can be wielded against any faith and all of them have viable magical tenants which can be used to harnass more power for the mortal species. Coatl, Khompur, the spirits even Aadvaitah are believed to steal their power from humanity. They exist due to mankinds worship and in turn the mandates inevitably look to take that power back and wield it for the betterment of mortals.
MIL 5 Military Specialty- The cults of the Warcaster surrounding these immensely powerful warcasters cults of power surround them, providing them with logistics and enforcers to act on their will as these beings despite their power cannot be everywhere at once and monitoring entire regions become near impossible.
Heavy Wooden Armor
Sacrificial Magic Supply Lines
Fish Glue Manufacturing
Surplus Production
War Caster
Byonic Tactics
Magi Blessed Scrolls
Enchanted Arrows
Iron weapons
War puppets
Obsidian Fire +1 Defense +2 when rolling through a tie (Siege)
Sacrificial magic supply lines -1 size losses
diplomatic exploration Allows for overland travel to establish colonies.
Salt wagons +1 unit capacity
Violet Oath +1 to resist secret actions of all kinds
Camel Riders +1 to attack
Fish Glue Manufacturing,
Refined Pician Weaponry +1 to attack
Bani Bowls
Diresnags + 1 casualty loss to enemies
Living Walls
Impaler palisades +1 when defending +1 to enemy casualties when defending.
Feth Dens create unrest or unstable
Black Blood, Tactics, +2 to attack per level of instability in target region incited by Feth Dens
Decentralized Authority +1 to new ruler stat
enchanted arrows (restricted) +1 to battle rolls or enemy losses
mass recruitment +1 unit on the fifth or fourth recruit action
Shriekers +2 in combat +1 unit losses for both sides.
Cinderscale Armor +1 combat
Sedellan Glass Armor
Warded Locks +1 against tech theft
Privacy Tapestries
Red Herring Evidence
Wave Bombing
Meteorological Navigation
Fish Glue Manufacturing
Full Course Discourse +1 stat for leaders.
Coatlean Numerals
Magi Blessed Scrolls

Trading posts
TP 1 Sweet Wines (Region 102 Lindeen)
TP 1 Marble (Region 16 Zachodnie)
TP 1 Soulstones (region 100 Dallador)
TP 2 Soulstones (region 100 Dallador)
TP 3 ruined scrolls (region 103)
TP 2 Magical Reagents (region 115)
TP 3 Bani (region 8)
TP 1 Pegasi (region 21)
TP 2 slaves (region 78)
TP 3 Sedellan Glass (region 58)
TP 1 iron (region 71)
TP 3 Kansett (region 24)

Spoiler: People of Interest

Doge Vashta Narada- First leader of Lindeen retired
Javier Kinballa- Cleanser
Kitha Tyasha- Javiers wife
Tash Minana- Cleanser
Apprentice Atraxi- Vashta Naradas personal choice for her replacement some day. Captured
Krace- First war caster of Lindeen
Miri Kathrova- a high disciple of the mandates is sent to become ambassador to Regno
Macra twin of Rassilion and child of Sir Blanc and Vashta (Warcaster)
Rassilion twin of Macra and child of Sir Blanc and Vashta (Warcaster)