
Avalon dissipates in a glittering shower of aether, the elemental damage it had taken finally overwhelming it. A quiet, cold rage fills Xaanthios. His clear grey eyes narrow, and his hands tighten on the quarterstaff he is holding. He raises it in anger, leveling it with a shout at the mage who has so assaulted his companions.

The softest disruption of the air is all that precedes the arrival of Avalon to the field of battle once more, massive claws striking down towards the back of the woman.

Xaanthios focuses his mind, seeking to regain his Psionic balance.

Spoiler: OoC
For the fun of it, Bluffing (1d20+8)[13] to make it look like I'm directing a spell or effect directly towards her.

Actually expending my Psionic Focus to summon my personal construct as a Swift Action to K54, making two attacks with flanking against the sorceress.
(1d20+12)[20] to hit for (2d6+7)[11] damage. (+2 for Flanking)
(1d20+12)[15] to hit for (2d6+7)[14] damage. (+2 for Flanking)

Xaanthios attempts to regain his focus: Concentration DC 20 (1d20+8)[11]

Dice for the dice gods!