Quote Originally Posted by Slii Arhem View Post
Rambling Shop - Lum

Digging through boxes of old wiring, defunct power tools, and bags upon bags of old spare parts ensures as Fezziro salvages capacitors, circuitboards, screws, and even an old plasma cutter tip he managed to scrounge somewhere. Anything Lum asks for, he'll try to provide in short order and often succeed in doing so. His unique filing system helped him there, though he could already see this would be an expensive job. Just in parts, this commission was destroying the possible usefulness of several other future projects he could have done. Though if pressed he would admit he always had more things to enchant than he could ever finish, people being all too willing to trade away treasured memories in exchange for a discount on a useful new toy.

Still... that would be part of the story now too. Greedy, hungry tools. Jealous too. They'd work better in Lum's hands than any other tool set, provided she kept them fed and used them before any others... He scribbles a note as he holds out a green thing with a couple of strange curly bits. Already a narrative was taking hold here, and strongly.

When the plasma cutter is done to Lum's satisfaction, Fezziro will have to enchant it. And this... he must sadly shoo her out of the wagon for "It's not that I don't trust you, and if you wish to learn my methods while working off your debt, I'll consider it. But for tonight, I need solitude for this." He's already laying out an old granite mortar and pestle, a very thin glass rod, and several bags of strong-smelling substances, one so acrid it might make Lum sneeze. Fezziro takes no notice, likely because of his mask.
Rambling Shop - Lum

Lum is perplexed at why she had to leave, but before she can even really argue about it she finds herself outside the little shop, poncho and scarf back in hand from when she instinctively grabbed it on the way out. She buzzes at the door, a bit angry, but eventually she pulls her poncho and scarf back on before sitting down with her arms crossed, back against the door. Even if it took all night she wasn't going to leave her tools behind!

Jace's Phone

Wherever Jace is, he'll find himself receiving a text from Heather, Veronica's younger half-sister. Jace? It's Heather. Uh...I dunno what's going on, but Sis was acting all funny this afternoon after getting off work and now she's left with a satchel full of books and supplies. I don't know where she's going, but can you come over and look at what she left on the table? Please?

She's surprisingly capable of texting out full words despite only now hitting her pre-teen years.