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    Titan in the Playground
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    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Servants of the Thrallherd IC 2 [3.5, faster posting speed]

    Round 11, Part 1

    Cendrik flicks out of visibility, reappearing as he tears into Sierra with his claws (Hit for 5, 5, and 9 rending damage; heal 2). Avalon has less luck, as the construct fails to do much against Sierra's magical armoring.

    Melinda dashes through the wall of cold energy ((2d6+2)[9] damage) and then launches a glowing ball of purple force that goes right through Sierra's defenses (hit for 24). Having passed within 5' of the Ghoul Glyph, the magic discharges, reaching Melinda right after she launches her orb of force. The warmage is paralyzed for 7 rounds!

    Spoiler: Status

    Sierra 46 damage, other buffs

    AC 61 damage
    Cendrik 22 damage
    Rex 89 damage, Iron Guard’s Glare, Law Devotion (+3 AC)
    Melinda 34 damage, paralyzed until round 18 part 1
    Xaanthios +15 temp HP; Share Pain
    Psicrystal +15 temp HP
    Last edited by J-H; 2019-04-24 at 06:54 PM.