Quote Originally Posted by Xayah View Post
Looking to optimize it as much as possible, really. The theme is mostly set in stone but any Archfey Hexblade is going to fit in there.
A big issue I personally see is that while IPW gives me ranged options like the Longbow, which is nice with both the P Aasimar's flight and the DEX based version, that just seems like it competes with Eldritch Blast too much. So what I'm thinking is maybe just grabbing mostly utility invocations past IPW and Thirsting Blade, either buffing Eldritch Blast with stuff like Grasp of Hadar and/or Repelling Blast so I can pick between control and damage, or just not taking Eldritch Blast at all, focusing completely on weapon damage, and grabbing invocations like Armor of Shadows, Gaze of Two Minds, Lifedrinker, Maddening Hex, etc. Not sure how optimal either of these are, however.
That's the direction I went and it's been working out beautifully. I use a longbow as my pact weapon for ranged combat, a rapier in melee, and I got myself a suit of Studded Leather +1. The result was no need for Agonizing Blast or any other EB-related invocations, no Armor of Shadows invocation, and my invocation slots were free for lots of others I wanted. Sure, you can't push/pull creatures with your pact bow, but you can Eldritch Smite with it, which is even better.