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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Masks IC] Resurrection Roundabout: Drawing Individuals

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    "I thought you had me figured out," says Errant with the slightest hint of a smile, "I don't make those kinds of sacrifices. So here's Option C: I stop that and you."

    It's terrifying what truly top of the line cybernetics can do when they're fully unleashed. Errant's legs glow daylight bright. When flips back and kicks off a wall she leaves cracks in both it and the floor. And she flies through the air like a neon javelin, worthy for an instant of being one of @Sarahphim's hardlight bursts. Her target is Turbo Knight's new body. She's not naive enough to think she can destroy it just like that, but she can sure as hell knock it through a wall or two. That'd buy her some time.

    That's what she needs right now: more time. She made a choice to play on hard mode, and the only way she could make it work is if she maximized her impact on each trip across this unfortunately oversized room. Her eyes dart around the room while she occupies herself with an awkward and super heavy landing, digging an arm into the ground to stop herself from sliding out of frame. Watch Victoria, don't miss her move. Watch Turbo Knight and his goons, don't miss their retaliation. Watch The Shogun, absolutely don't miss her move. She had maybe ten minutes before this dance burned out her legs. And that if the strain didn't rupture an organ first. But she'd manage, because the alternative was breaking the promise she'd made herself before she joined AEGIS.

    "...Your party trick sucks, old man. Here's a better one."
    "GET MY BRAIN OUT OF MY GODDAMN SKULL RIGHT NOW!" Turbo Knight screamed at one of his doctors.

    You're moving fast, so fast that these problems are coming at you one at a time. You don't have to pick and choose what you want to deal with but you're still looking at more problems than you have fists, and none of these people are pushovers.

    Turbo Knight is surrounded by rings of goons and bouncers armed with SMGs and nothing to lose. Every one of those bodyguards is aware that if they don't solve the problem Turbo Knight will, and they don't want Turbo Knight to solve the problem. They can and will fire everywhere without checking for backdrop, meaning the crowd is in serious danger if you don't do something about them.

    Turbo Knight himself isn't even being carried across to his surgical cot - a team of doctors is rapidly surrounding his head with technology ready to extract his brain and get it across to the robot. This will take the longest to complete out of anything but, thanks to the miracles of modern medical science, not as long as you'd like.

    Victoria Messermitt is watching you sharply, eyes following your aftershocks. You've watched her long enough to anticipate her moves but she's insanely dangerous despite that - if you give her a minute to think she'll figure you out in exchange and take you down in an eyeblink.

    The Shogun, grim faced, has drawn a pistol and is making her way through the crowd at a steady pace.

    Four different threats. Potentially four different rolls of the dice. You can fight on every front simultaneously but you're not guaranteed success on any of them. What do you do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raz_Fox View Post
    Tigers were designed to deal with jungles. Their eyes - roughly human-level, though less capable of appreciating detail - are quick to track movement, colors distinct from their surroundings, and are amazing in the dark. Which isn’t particularly helpful right now; true darkness is one of the first casualties of full urbanization.

    But the interplay of colors! The sense of motion as one of the most important elements of the world! This is what @SARAHPHIM was looking for all along: a new perspective on the world. And, heck, feeling as jacked as Errant - if not stronger - is a welcome sensation, too. When she gets back to her body, she’s gonna commit to hitting the gym more often. The power inherent in those feline thighs, that broad striped back! Glorious!

    She eats a weird bug by the side of the road and doesn’t even care.

    Poor Angel-IKA is forced, one imagines, to follow Sara about trying to a) not get the police involved and b) let people know the tiger is actually a superhero, it’s a long story, no, I don’t know why she’s eating that bug.

    Then the wind shifts and the perfume snaps everything back into focus. Right. Yes. It’s time to hit Neo Chaos and become the world’s first flying tiger superheroine-

    Okay, yes, thank you, Chat. The world’s second and only currently active flying tiger superheroine. Friggin pedants.
    Left is down. Down is forwards. Progress is illusionary. Welcome to Neo Chaos Spire.

    It's beautiful to walk down a cobblestone road lined with autumnal trees that loops back on itself like a Mobius strip, and it's spectacular to climb a tree while surrounded by two hundred and seventy degrees of clear blue sky. But it's also confusing as all hell. Only your nose guides you true - Angel-IKA is no help, you take so many sudden twists and turns and trek through so many forests and parks that she loses track of the mental roadmap of her home. Software maps are actively unhelpful. Perhaps the most disorienting thing of all is that there is no advertising anywhere. Neo Chaos Spire is a luxury brand and it shares its brand image with no one.

    With tiger's eyes you walk an unreal city, hunting yourself. You cross a skybridge with clouds above and below you and blue skies to either horizon, your half-angel guide jogging to keep up with movements like liquor and lightning.

    You have a little time to think. What do you think?

    Bode: This place is a nightmare.
    Ferraphim1tp: I think it's beautiful! I wish I could live here! ^.^
    Bode: Who makes a place like this?
    Locker: dr sunstill
    Locker: yeah
    Dominus: EXPLAIN
    Locker: dr. sunstill's whole thing was that her girlfriend died in a tragic accident when she was fifteen. she started researching alternate dimensions and going really deep into rx science to see if it happened differently elsewhere. she caused a sequence of immense dimensional breaches, like world ending stuff. halfwoman managed to talk her down, though. instead they worked together to build this place as a memorial. it's a stable, internally consistent portal network and the only major dimensional breach in the world that doesn't need to be contained in amber.
    Ferraphim1tp: Oh... oh wow. That's a really sad story.
    Locker: yeah
    Locker: how many times has halfwoman saved the world?
    Dominus: LIKE, FIFTEEN?
    Locker: twenty three, this was number nine.
    Dominus: POINT MADE.
    Last edited by Thanqol; 2019-05-09 at 11:58 PM.