Quote Originally Posted by Damon_Tor View Post
Heating metal in a forge only gives you 1 minute or so of workable heat before you need to put it back in. A skilled blacksmith could absolutely turn an iron bar into a spear head during that time. You won't get a longsword or armor out of it, but you should be able to make some basic weapons.
That depends on a lot of factors (I mean a TON). If you already have a small, smooth bar of high quality steel, the size of the spearhead you want, then yes... maybe. It depends how much material you have to move (metal is hard) and what tools you have available.

If you've got a bar you need to cut? A bar that's the wrong shape and far too thick for a blade? Then no. Not even close.

Even then you just have a spear head's blade. Are you making a socket for the blade, or just tying the blade to a shaft?

On the other hand, homebrew it however you want. D&D's a game, and if you're a master blacksmith cleric of the forge casting heat metal on meteoric iron, wth do I care whether the timing's accurate. Rule of fun > accuracy (for most games, anyway)