[Richards Flat]

Geneva responds to the proximity with a gentle head-bonk. Her tone and body language, though, it's clear that she's excited about whatever this thing is.

"It couldn't! There was this Castaway who came up to VIGIL wanting to find his way home so of course Miss Mithar asked me to help since trans-universal bridges are my specialty and that was great since he had apparently come through a completely new bridge less than a day ago so I was excited to have the opportunity to run some tests since I don't get the chance very often and I was joking about how unlikely it was there would be another crossing event in the mean time but when we got there and opened the door it was full of dwarves!"

She throws her wings up in the air here.

Like, surprise!


"And also an elf. They were kidnapping her. That's why I called Intersection. BUT! It wasn't a complete loss since they had this!"
she points at the orb. "It's for opening pre-existing but inactive bridges. I haven't seen anything quite like it before and it's really fascinating! Once I figure out exactly how it works I can use those principles in my own designs. But it's being stubborn."

She narrows her eyes at the orb and whispers. "Yield me your secrets..."