Quote Originally Posted by Silfir View Post
It's worth noting that whoever has the Infinity Gauntlet controls it with their mind. Computers can't produce truly random outcomes - but neither can people. If anything, they're even worse at it.
But Thanos didn't "pick a random number" he said "all powerful genie, give me a truely random distribution of dustings, because that's fair."

In other news, my headcannon now involves a 7th timeline. Having just rewatched it yesterday... When Cap was saying his fairwells before returning the stones, Bucky was just too sanguine, both before and after the "transporter accident"

In order to show up at the bench, Old cap had to arrive earlier on the platform and sneak off. (And totally had a heart to heart with bucky where they decided Sam should be the next Cap.) But because cap hadn't left by the time Old cap returned, the rules of time travel for this movie establish that a new timeline has to be created, one in which Old cap never returns. (Because he returns to the Canon timeline) This new timeline presumably has Sam and bucky both horrified thatcaptian never returns and collectively take up the mantle of Captian America. And Banner will continue to explore time to make sure his promise to the ancient one is fulfilled.