Zeph's completely in the dark as to what the little wondrous item might accomplish. He watches, fascinated, as the Captain holds the little reliquary by the leather cord, dangling it over the corpse's face. He intones gravely words in a dark tongue, closing his eyes and letting the words echo and fill the too-large space of his ready room.

When he stops, nothing happens. For a long minute, not one person in the room makes a sound.

Then the corpse takes a sharp gurgling gasp and spits seawater into the air. "Blarglhspaaa!"

The captain leans in close to the corpse, whose eyes are still a milky white.

"Hello, Sköll. Welcome home."

The corpse immediately begins to thrash on the table before being restrained by master Gent and Kelinda.

The Captain look between his officers and his two new crewmen. "He's alive. Well, undead technically, but alive enough to question. Ask what you can while you can. He'll be dust by dawn."

The Captain wraps the cordage of the reliquary around his hand before tossing the little item back into his seachest.

"Master Leornian. You're a diviner, aren't you? Divine this scallywag's purpose for coming back to his old crew and attempting to slaughter them atop a bloody void dragon. Ought to be interesting. Storms, you're welcome to question him as well, but if he tries anything violent, smash his bloody brains out with that bloody great hammer."