R3T18: Erima advances into the fight, and unleashes her anger through two strikes. The first hits GM1 in her left shin for a devastating 29, yet she still stands. The next strike seems like it is destined to hit, but GM4 blocks Erima's axe enough to skim off of GM1's armor instead of go through! Still, GM1 is in a bad way.

R3T16: GM1 steps back, drops her sword, takes out a potion, and downs it, which heals 5.

R3T15: The Scribe is focused on GM3. He steps back 5' and then tries to disarm his opponent, and this time succeeding. He thrusts with his weapon, but she blocks it with her shield.

R3T14: Fallon is right there with a spell to further foil GM3, and GM3 falls onto the floor, laughing hysterically.

R3T9: Rezah, to the right of you is a fallen, weaponless (well, she does have a shield), laughing GM3 (not helpless). In front of you is GM4, who seems to have a half-hearted focus on you. What do you do?

Lilim on deck, GM4 in the hole ...