Quote Originally Posted by ve4grm View Post
(Note, I'm also a Canadian Engineer, so I get where you're coming from, but...)

Unfortunately, professional bodies, even here in Canada, have varying levels of effectiveness and oversight. I know a few people who have to report to their own professional associations, and those associations do almost nothing for them outside of being a name. Not professional practice insurance, not mediation, not anything useful.

In the US, the effectiveness of a body will highly depend on the individual state, as many aren't national, and how thorough the oversight is.

For WarKitty's specific situation, I'd also assume the incident was a number of years ago. There may be little that could happen at this point, anyways.
Clarification, I'm a grad student who returned to school due to lack of EIT positions not getting filled with people getting hired back from the initial mass lay-offs.

Meaning I'm still an idealist.

It's more the case that we know where we should be, and the lack of drive to _get_ there bothers me.