NPC Actions

Expiration Dates close at the end of the round specified in their description:

Sisterhood of Silence

[Diplomacy] Provide Guardian with Sisterhood Warning Zones - The act of the Caller AI designated Guardian to maturate the great many species of Axiom has many within the Sisterhood ill at ease. The long vigil they have held around the galactic Core has been easily enforced in a galaxy lacking the advanced travel mechanics now gifted to the many space faring species of Axiom but with such advancements in the hands of so many the Sisterhood would now face an exponential increase in interest regarding the Core. Others within the covenant believe this action by Guardian offers an unprecedented opportunity to spread knowledge of the One among the stars. Sister Gertwin of the Monastery Emergent Twilight, something of a middle way supporter between the two most popular views, is assigned the unenviable task of making first contact with these newly elevated species that the Sisterhood’s warning may be passed on early to avoid the unintended consequences of curiosity.

[Diplomacy] Warn the Grymlans specifically about the Core - High Coordinator Jeejee Scrapseeker, leader of sector P14, is contacted personally by the upper echelons of the nearby Sisterhood outpost to make clear in no uncertain terms how poor of an idea it would be to dismiss Sisterhood warnings about breaching the protected Core systems. The Grymlans appear to be an extremely curious race, an admirable quality in a galaxy so filled with wonders to be uncovered, but they are warned breaching the Sisterhood’s vigil would be “a decidedly bad idea.” Instead the Grymlans are encouraged to explore the system around the Sisterhood’s nearby base as well as southward that they might link a Monastery long out of contact with the wider galaxy to galactic affairs. If the Grymlans abide by the Sisterhood’s request linking the nearby base with this shrouded Monastery rather than breach the Core they shall be recognized as burgeoning allies to the SoS. If they choose to ignore this request and pursue exploration of the Core they are liable to earn the enmity of the Sisterhood. (Request: OwO explore two SoS Base regions and not explore the Core during this time. Reward: +1 Reputation with SoS, +1 Favor. Expiration Date: Round 5)

[Faith] Discuss cooperation on spreading the One with the Droccen - Empress Candrimay is contacted by leaders from the nearby Sisterhood Monastery who express their desire to cooperate with fellow adherents of the One on protecting the Core and spreading the universal love promoted by their shared beliefs across the wider galaxy. The Droccen are requested to make contact with and sway nearby Celestia Enterprises to adopt the One as their mainline philosophy to be promoted by the megacorporation’s unrivalled communications networks. Should the Droccen prove successful in aligning another nearby influential Stellar Power to promote the values of Oneness they will be recognized as unparalleled friends to the Sisterhood. (Request: DCC convert I21 from the Deific Contract to the One and convince CLS to declare the One as its State Philosophy. Reward: +2 Reputation with SoS. Expiration Date: Round 5)

Cosmic Couriers

[Diplomacy] Assist Guardian in Maturating Axiom’s spacefaring civilizations - Ever since the end of the Callers supremacy across Axiom the so-called Cosmic Couriers have lacked in purpose and traffic to keep their Relay network connecting the galaxy operational. Even near the end of the Callers time in Axiom the Couriers had been relegated to a minimal grunt work within their vast interstellar empire transporting raw material resources deemed too low priority to warrant more advanced Caller transportation technology. Now with Caller AI Guardian optioning for Maturation the Couriers once more had purpose. The spacefarers of Axiom were yet on the cusp of true stellar civilization and the Courier Relays offered FTL travel unparalleled by any possessed by the known species. This advantage granted the Couriers a new role, one of restored importance and prestige within galactic affairs. The Callers had created the Couriers to serve them and Guardian represented the final will of the Callers within Axiom so it was Guardian’s request that the Couriers aid these newly elevated species that would guide the Couriers’ actions from here forward. True, these child races could never truly reach the heights of Caller civilization but the Couriers could perhaps lead some of them to a brighter future than their simple societies and technologies promised them currently.

[Diplomacy] Inform the Ninurtine Empire of a suspected nearby Relay - Emperor Cherahiteth II’s government receives an envoy from the Cosmic Couriers who seeks an audience so that the imperial government may be made aware of a suspected Relay somewhere nearby their capital sector. While the recently reactivated Relay system was still experiencing a few small glitches and bugs after its long dormancy transmissions from around the Malak system indicated a currently low functioning Relay somewhere to the capital’s galactic west. The Emperor is petitioned to send an expeditionary fleet to seek out this Relay and bring it under imperial dominion that it might be better protected from whatever fate led to its current state of dormancy. (Request: NUT explore T22 or T24 until the missing Relay is discovered and bring the region under Ninurtine control. Reward: +1 Reputation with CmC, +1 Favor. Expiration Date: Round 5)

[Diplomacy] Offer Courier exploratory services to the Guild Empire of Nyx and/or the Gelean Republic - Nyx’s Lord of Coin as well as Gelean’s seniormost Admiral receive offers for mutually beneficial business from the nearby Courier Relay just outside their systems’ control. The Couriers offer the mercantile Nyx and curious Geleans their services as explorers and diplomats willing to tread the unknown space between the two Stellar Powers for a small fee. Certainly it would be at least somewhat beneficial to accept the Courier’s offer but would the Guilds or the Republic be willing to accept the burden of a favor owed? (Request: Allow the CmC to Inquest K7 on behalf of GEN and/or GLR. Reward: +1 to Establish Claim on K7 the following round, +1 Favor owed to CmC. Expiration Date: Round 2)

An’Null’s Eradicators

[Military] Recruit 1 Unit of Eradicators - At the southern edge of Jackstar Free Union held territory an unexpected and unpleasant discovery is made by the local privateer force under Captain Silk Noose Caihe. It appears a prison barge transporting Bronze Clients to an outer Jack Star mining station was forced to divert from their projected flight path and attacked deep in the black. The barge appears to have been boarded by hostile forces and left adrift bereft their Bronze Client cargo. Markings of black skulls left on the gutted transport seem to match known markings of An’Null cultists though where exactly they came from or where they escaped to remains a mystery. A number of Jack Star station commanders near this border petition the Grand Admiral to send a hunter fleet southwards to seek out these terrorists.

[Military] Recruit 1 Unit of Eradicators - A sizable contingent of Meritocracy Androids are purchased by an enterprising soul seeking to use the droids to mine local asteroids for valuable mineral deposits. However once the androids leave Bespéartha’s atmosphere via the Meritocracy’s space elevator the ship transporting them to the system’s asteroid belt suddenly vanishes from tracking computers. A reconnaissance ship is sent to investigate the ship’s last known location and find adrift in space a great collection of debris that appears to have been the transport, although no signs of android bodies can be found. Markings on some of the debris matches known Eradicator symbology and it is determined the notorious space pirates must have stolen the android cargo for their own nefarious ends. Given the precision of the hit the original entrepreneur is investigated for suspicion of aiding the space pirates and it is discovered the man did in fact receive directives and a large sum of counterfeit money to make the purchase though he insists he had no knowledge of his benefactor’s position within the Eradicators nor his payment’s counterfeit composition. Nevertheless the man is arrested on charges of conspiracy and intent to commit fraud while at higher echelons powerful individuals debate the need to seek out what can only be a local An’Null base for extermination or at the very least warning to stay out of Meritocracy space.

[Intrigue] Secret