R3T9: Rezah prays to Sarenrae to smite his enemies, and then he defensively casts a spell. From the ceiling down to Rezah himself comes a great glow, his cheek with Sarenrae's mark brighter than anything, and then the room and beyond is filled with a holy power that envelops all but Fallon's charmed Gray Maiden that is standing at alert on the western side of the hall. Teofilo and Rezah are completely unharmed. Everyone else, friend and foe alike, take damage as follows...
Spoiler: Holy Smite!
Erima: 4 holy damage (HD).
GM1: 3 HD.
The Scribe: 4 HD.
Fallon: 7 HD.
Lilim: 3 HD.
GM4: 6 HD.
GM3: 6 HD.
"I am sorry," says Rezah simply, not realizing that his friends were all neutral, and so is the enemy. But not evil does not equal not hostile, and he readies his scimitar for more battle.

R3T7: Lilim shakes off the little shock of friendly fire. "It's fine, Rezah. You didn't know. I know what you cast, and I know why you did it, but our fight is one of order against disorder, not evil against chaos." And to that end she steps up to the prone, laughing Gray Maiden. She curb stomps the head for 11, and again with the other foot for 12, and the Maiden's head starts to bleed. She claws the belly for 7, the right shoulder for 9, and bites the right thigh for 11. The Gray Maiden laughs no more, and never will again.

R3T6: GM4 steps back into the other room, drops her sword, takes out a potion, and drinks it for 4 healing.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

Teofilo drops down 5' towards Fallon, effectively hovering, and casts a healing spell on her to fully heal her.

R4T18: Erima, you are currently raging, and both enemies went into the other room, dropping their swords, and taking weak healing potions. What do you do?

GM1 on deck, The Scribe in the hole ...